6 Songs without words for flute and piano composed by Schubert & Kalliwoda, no. 2. Ungeduld. |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Schubert, Franz. Forde, William.
Publisher.Display: | |
Oliver Ditson, ( Boston,115 Washington St. )
Source Institution: | |
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[1844] 6 Songs without words for flute and piano composed by Schubert & Kalliwoda, no. 2. Ungeduld. |
6 Songs without words for flute and piano composed by Schubert & Kalliwoda, no. 5. Einsam wandle ich. |
Publication Date: | |
Publisher.Display: | |
Oliver Ditson, ( Boston,115 Washington St. )
Source Institution: | |
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[1844] 6 Songs without words for flute and piano composed by Schubert & Kalliwoda, no. 5. Einsam wandle ich. |
6 Songs without words for flute and piano composed by Schubert & Kalliwoda, no. 6. Liedchen Hebe dich. |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Forde, William. Kalliwoda, Johann Wenzel, 1801-1866.
Publisher.Display: | |
Oliver Ditson, ( Boston,115 Washington St. )
Source Institution: | |
Added automatically
[1844] 6 Songs without words for flute and piano composed by Schubert & Kalliwoda, no. 6. Liedchen Hebe dich. |