No. Title Date
1 Water budget analysis for Stormwater Treatment Area 1 W (May 1, 2002 to April 30, 2003)
2 1990 Annual report for the Nicodemus Slough Mitigation/Monitoring Project 1991-02
3 Ambient Pesticide Monitoring Network: 1992 to 2007 2009-10
4 C-51 West sub-basin Updated analysis of flow and phosphorus data 2005-06
5 Constructed wetlands for water quality improvement in surface water discharges to the Everglades: Stormwater Treatment Areas
7 Draft: Evaluation of Benefits and Impacts of the Hydropattern Restoration Components of the Everglades Construction Project 1996-08-16
8 Engineering/well completion report Floridan Aquifer System Test/Monitor Well ORF-60 2004-11
9 Environmental responses to the Kissimmee River Demonstration Project 1991-03
10 Establishing a Baseline: Pre-Restoration Studies of the Channelized Kissimmee River 2005-11
11 Evaluation and application of the time model V 2.0 2013-01
12 Evaluation of Preservation Methods for Nutrient Species Collected by Automatic Samplers 2002
13 Everglades Nutrient Removal Project Dye Tracer Study 1994-10
14 Everglades Nutrient Removal Project Test Cell Research: Optimizing Stormwater Treatment Area Performance - The Importance of Hydrologic Conditions in Maximizing Nutrient Retention by the STAs 2006-01
15 First Annual Conference of the The Walt Dineen Society 1997
16 Flow monitoring in Stormwater Treatment Area No. 6 2001-12
17 Hole-in-the-Donut Restoration Collection 1996-04-01
18 Hydrologic measurements and implications for tree island formation within Everglades National Park 2006
19 Hydrologic Performance of a Large-Scale Constructed Wetland: The Everglades Nutrient Removal Project 2001-04
20 In-Faunal Study of Wetland Restoration in the Hole-in-the-Donut, Everglades National Park 1990-1992 1994-04