No. Title Date
1 Old trails and new discoveries John K. Small. 1921
2 Studies of Floodplain Vegetation and Water Level Fluctuation in the Kissimmee River Valley 1974
3 A Survey and Baseline Analysis of Aspects of the Vegetation of Taylor Slough, Everglades National Park 1980-04
4 Plants of Big Cypress National Preserve: A Preliminary Checklist of Vascular Plants 1980-04
5 Phenology of Flowering and Fruiting in Plant Communities of Everglades National Park and Biscayne National Monument, Florida 1980-04
6 Endemic Taxa in the Flora of South Florida 1980-07
7 A Bibliography of South Florida Botany 1980-08
8 Impact of 22 Years of Fire on Understory Hardwood Shrubs in Slash Pine Communities within Everglades National Park 1981-09
9 Investigations of Early Plant Succession on Abadoned Farmlands in Everglades National Park 1981-10
10 Cape Sable Sparrow Management Plan 1982-04
11 Schinus in Successional Ecosystems of Everglades National Park 1982-08
12 A Bibliography of Schinus, Melaleuca, and Casuarina Exotic Genera in South Florida 1982-11
13 The Vegetation of Long Pine Key, Everglades National Park 1983-08
14 Plants of Everglades National Park: A Preliminary Checklist of Vascular Plants 1983-10
15 Vegetation Cover Types of Shark River Slough, Everglades National Park Derived from LANDSAT Thematic Mapper Data 1986-01
16 Pre-Development Vegetation Communities of Southern Florida 2007-07