No. Title Date
1 Ayer's Ague Cure
2 With the Wild Things: Anoles
3 With the Wild Things: Baby Birds 1
4 With the Wild Things: Birding
5 With the Wild Things: Bird Eggs
6 With the Wild Things: Blackbirds
7 With the Wild Things: Bluebirds
8 With the Wild Things: Box Turtles
9 With the Wild Things: Brown Pelicans
10 With the Wild Things: Cane Toads
11 With the Wild Things: Carolina Wrens
12 With the Wild Things: Dolphins
13 With the Wild Things: Eels
14 With the Wild Things: Egrets
15 With the Wild Things: Flamingos
16 With the Wild Things: Foxes
17 With the Wild Things: Horseshoe Crabs
18 With the Wild Things: Ibis
19 With the Wild Things: Ivory-billed Woodpeckers
20 With the Wild Things: Kites