No. Title Date
61 Slow isotope turnover rates and low discrimination values in the American alligator: implications for interpretation of ectotherm stable isotope data 2012
62 Controls on ecosystems carbon dioxide exchange in short- and long-hydroperiod Florida Everglades freshwater marshes 2012
63 Relative role of dispersal dynamics and competition in determining isotopic niche breadth 2013
64 Modeling light use efficiency in a subtropical mangrove forest equipped with CO2 Eddy Covariance 2013
65 Summertime influences of tidal energy advection on the surface energy balance in a mangrove forest 2013
66 Mechanisms of bicarbonate use influence the photosynthetic carbon dioxide sensitivity of tropical seagrasses 2013
67 A 2,500-year record of environmental change in Highlands Hammock State Park (Central Florida, U.S.A.) inferred from siliceous microfossils 2013
68 The roles of large top predators in coastal ecosystems: new insights from long term ecological research 2013
69 A suite of prey traits determine predator and nutrient enrichment effects in a tri-trophic food chain 2013
70 Tree island response to fire and flooding in the short-hydroperiod marl prairie grasslands of the Florida Everglades, USA 2013
71 Integrated carbon budget models for the Everglades terrestrial-coastal-oceanic gradient: current status and needs for inter-site comparisons 2013
72 Remote-sensing monitoring of tide propagation through coastal wetlands 2013
73 Photochemical and microbial alteration of dissolved organic matter in temperate headwater streams associated with different land use 2013-04-22
74 Ecological homogenization of urban USA 2014
75 Ecological homogenization of urban USA 2014
76 A review of the effects of altered hydrology and salinity on vertebrate fauna and their habitats in northeastern Florida Bay 2014
77 The relationship between water level, prey availability and reproductive success in Roseate spoonbills foraging in a seasonally-flooded wetland while nesting in Florida Bay 2014
78 Timescales for detecting a significant acceleration in sea level rise 2014-04-14