No. Title Date
41 Everglades, five miles west of Miami, Fla., U.S.A.
42 Ayer's Ague Cure
43 Tropical Gardens, Everglades, Fla.
44 Having a snapping good time in Florida
45 All the way from Florida
46 Big George, largest alligator in captivity 14 feet 7 inches–Greets you in Florida
47 Scenic Beauty in the Florida Everglades
48 Proposed Design Of The Everglades Stamp
49 Excursion Boat 'Sallie's Observatory on the Everglades, Everglade Trip. Miami, Fla
50 Dredging on a canal into the Everglades, Florida
51 Everglade Boat 'Sallie', Miami, Fla.
52 The excursion boat 'Sallie' on the Everglades Trip, Miami, Fla.
53 Dredging on a canal into the Everglades, Florida
54 White Tiger and his pet
55 Dredger at work on canal in The Everglades (accompanied by laborers house boat). Florida.
56 Dredge Miami, digging canal in Everglades, Miami, Fla
57 Dredging a Canal in the Everglades, Florida
58 Canals and home in the Everglades, Fla.
59 Harvesting sugar cane in the Florida Everglades
60 Seminoles at Home in the Wilds of the Everglades, Fla.