No. Title Date
481 Seminole Indians with dugout canoes, 1920-1928 (bulk 1920) 1920/1928
482 Seminoles at Home in the Wilds of the Everglades, Fla.
483 The Seminoles of Florida and their rights in the Everglades
484 A settler's home, in the upper Everglades, Florida
485 Sharyn Richardson describes the threat the Melaleuca trees pose to South Florida
486 Sharyn Richardson discusses the role of “Friends of the Everglades”
487 Sharyn Richardson discusses working against the Florida Panther telemetry program
488 Sharyn Richardson reminisces on her life in Florida
489 Sharyn Richardson talks about becoming interested in Environmental Protection and Inspiration
490 Sharyn Richardson talks about the power of one person and Quaker philosophy
491 Sharyn Richardson talks about working as Marjory Stoneman Douglas' personal secretary
492 Sisal plantation on the Perrine Grant, circa 1920. 1920
493 Slow isotope turnover rates and low discrimination values in the American alligator: implications for interpretation of ectotherm stable isotope data 2012
494 Snap shots from the Everglades of Florida 1918
495 Snap shots from the Everglades of Florida 1917
496 Soil and surface water nutrients in the Everglades nutrient removal project 1991-12
497 Some environmental effects of drainage in Florida 1968
498 Souvenir of the official opening Gulf-to-Atlantic waterway of Florida 1912
499 Statistical modeling of dry deposition phosphorus rates measured from South Florida 1998-08
500 The story of the reclaimed Everglades 1912