No. Title Date
1 254th MED Helicopter Takeoff
2 25th Infantry Division helicopter lifts barrels
3 RAAF helicopter flies over tanks
4 Soldier with outstretched arms watches helicopter landings
5 4 soldiers sit in helicopter
6 Helicopter in flight
7 Medevac helicopter in flight
8 Helicopter with blades in motion
9 A UH-1D Recovery Ship Nicknamed "Rice Paddy Daddy"
10 Dark-colored helicopter in flight
11 Soldier sits in flying helicopter
12 Crash site, 176th AHC
13 View of 129th AHC base
14 187th Aviation Company helicopter "Maggots"
15 Stack of Supplies
16 Troops sit in helicopter in the rain
17 Helicopter stationed on base
18 Helicopter flies while carrying barrels
19 View from below helicopter
20 191st Boomerangs, IV Corps Tactical Zone