No. Title Date
121 Red 8 helicopter in flight 1968-12
122 Remains of VNAF helicopter 1971-12
123 Republic of Korea Army helicopter stationed
124 Rocket launcher closeup 1971-11
125 Rocket Sight, 117th Aviation Company 1965-03
126 Royal Thai Army helicopter stationed
127 Ruins of Vietnam Air Force helicopter 1971-12
128 Shelton of US Army
129 Signal Corps helicopters
130 Silhouette
131 Site of 176th AHC helicopter crash
132 Skip Russell
133 Smokie flown by maintenance officer 1969
134 Soldier is lifted up to 17th Cavalry helicopter
135 Soldier poses in front of UH-1B
136 Soldier posing with "Honey Wells"
137 Soldier sits in flying helicopter
138 Soldier sticking up thumb
139 Soldier walks away from departing helicopter
140 Soldier watches as 25th Infantry Division helicopter departs