Hurricane damage to the Ruy Lopez Ca. Cigar Factory |
Hurricane damage to the Ruy Lopez Ca. Cigar Factory |
Hurricane damaged boat on Whitehead Street |
Hurricane damaged boat on Whitehead Street |
Hurricane damaged boats on Garrison Bight |
Hurricane damaged boats on Garrison Bight |
Hurricane of 1935 |
Hurricane preparation at 608 Duval Street |
Hurricane preparation at 608 Duval Street |
Hurricane preparation on Duval Street |
Hurricane preparation on Duval Street |
Hurricane preparations at Herman's |
Hurricane preparations at Herman's |
In flight over Morro Castle |
In flight over Morro Castle |
The interior of one of the Navy Station's barracks |
The interior of one of the Navy Station's barracks |
The interior of St. Mary's Church |
The interior of St. Mary's Church |
The interior of the Cabana Bar on 605 Duval Street |
The interior of the Cabana Bar on 605 Duval Street |
The interior of the Casa Marina Hotel at 1500 Reynolds Avenue |
The interior of the Casa Marina Hotel at 1500 Reynolds Avenue |
The interior of the Old Bottle Cap Bar at 1128 Simonton Street |
The interior of the Old Bottle Cap Bar at 1128 Simonton Street |
The interior of the Strand Theater on 527 Duval Street |
The interior of the Strand Theater on 527 Duval Street |
Irene Watkins |
Island City Hotel |
James Albert Hovey |
Jennie L. Seymour |
Jewfish catch in Miami |
Jewfish Creek bridge |