No. Title Date
761 Sugarloaf Key 1913
762 Sugarloaf Key house 1970/1979
763 Summerland Key yacht harbor marina 1950
764 Sunward cruise ship at Mallory Dock 1970
765 Surf Motel 1950/1959
766 Survey crew 1910
767 Sweeney's Dock hurricane damage 1909
768 Swimming pool 1940/1949
769 Swimming pool and boat house at Casa Roma 1940
770 Tank Island on Key West Harbor 1972
771 Tarpon catch 1930/1949
772 Team of Goats
773 Tennessee Williams 1975
774 Tennessee Williams at home in Key West 1970
775 Thomas A. Thompson 1900/1909
776 Thompson boat ways & Turtle Kraals 1950/1959
777 Three anglers and their catch
778 The tomb of Elena M. Hoyos 1940
779 Tommy Lones with catch 1960
780 Tony's Grocery at 700 Elizabeth Street 1970/1979