Key West High School Yearbook 1949 |
[1949] Key West High School Yearbook 1949 |
Airline Aerovias Q plane loading a car |
[1949/1961] Airline Aerovias Q plane loading a car |
[1949] Gato Cigar Factory |
Key West Bight looking toward Trumbo Road |
[1950] Key West Bight looking toward Trumbo Road |
South Beach, Key West, Fla. |
[1950/1959] South Beach, Key West, Fla. |
The interior of the Casa Marina Hotel at 1500 Reynolds Avenue |
[1950/1959] The interior of the Casa Marina Hotel at 1500 Reynolds Avenue |
John Spottswood and Kermit Lewin at WKWF |
[1950] John Spottswood and Kermit Lewin at WKWF |
The interior of the Old Bottle Cap Bar at 1128 Simonton Street |
[1950/1959] The interior of the Old Bottle Cap Bar at 1128 Simonton Street |
Schlitz beer delivery van |
[1950/1959] Schlitz beer delivery van |
Josephine Perez standing by Dodge Sedan |
[1950/1959] Josephine Perez standing by Dodge Sedan |
President Harry Truman, Mayor Eisner Louis & Bernie C. Papy |
[1950/1959] President Harry Truman, Mayor Eisner Louis & Bernie C. Papy |
[1950] Key West Beach Scene |
Atlantic & Bertha Avenues from overhead |
[1950] Atlantic & Bertha Avenues from overhead |
Florida Highway Patrolman & auto |
[1950] Florida Highway Patrolman & auto |
Major Domingo Rosillo del Toro and Arturo Boza |
[1950] Major Domingo Rosillo del Toro and Arturo Boza |
Capt. Shirley Garson's fishing catch |
[1950/1959] Capt. Shirley Garson's fishing catch |
Permit caught on Greyhound II |
[1950/1959] Permit caught on Greyhound II |
Electric company office in Lodge building on Eaton Street |
[1950/1959] Electric company office in Lodge building on Eaton Street |
[1950/1969] Turtle Kraals |
[1950] Restaurant kitchen |