No. Title Date
1 Municipal revenue sharing in Miami-Dade County: not yet ready for prime time
2 Karven's Cove, Roanoke Virginia 1923 - The Lovelie of the rocks - Sis Eva FitzGibbon 1923
3 First puncture - Georgia 1924-09-18
4 Turpentine Distillery, GA 1925-09-18
5 Cadillac crash and cow, GA 1925-09-18
6 Smith Casino 1926
7 Hill Motor Co-Miami - destroyed store, men working 1926
8 NW Section - destroyed homes at street corner 1926
9 Cooks Casino - Half of building destroyed, rubble on ground 1926
10 N.W Section - Building debris in field 1926
11 Ruins of Charles Grilli-Beach 1926
12 Store at Hallendale. Half of store missing, man standng against pole 1926
13 Ocean side of Hardies - Damaged building near water 1926
14 Two men in forest 1926
15 Two women hugging a tall man with his arms extended above their heads 1926
16 Group of three women and one man sitting in gazebo 1926
17 Group of two men and two women posing in and next to a car 1926
18 At home more or less! - woman standing near home 1926
19 At home more or less! - man sitting on front steps of home 1926
20 Ashton + B.W. - At sea WAD [Walter Ashton Drummond] - Man with hands under chin smiling at camera at beach 1926