No. Title Date
41 Miami's marine destiny 1955
42 Sunshine State Parkway 1955
43 Replat of A Portion of Lot I High Crest 1955-08
44 Economic study of the Port of Miami 1956
45 Report on future growth of water system 1957
46 A report on schools & parks 1958
47 Properties Owned by City of Miami June 1958 1958-06
48 Generalized land use plan for the City of Miami, Florida 1959
49 Annual health report for the calendar year .. 1959
50 Magic city center plan for action 1960
51 The plan for South Miami, Dade County, Florida 1960
52 Comprehensive analysis of neighborhoods in Miami 1961
53 Methods manual 1961
54 Preliminary land use plan and policies for development 1961
55 Dinner Key interim study 1961
56 Report on "the Colonnades" 1961
57 Street stories 1961
58 Existing land use study 1961
59 Municipal boundaries in Metropolitan Dade County : Problems and recommendations 1962
60 Expressways for Miami 1962