No. Title Date
1 Baseball scenes at Flamingo Park 1933
2 Bobby Dosh and B.C. Wheeler playing codeball at Flamingo Park, 1934 1934
3 Flamingo Park baseball field and players, 1929-1930 1930
4 Flamingo Park sports, 1929 -1932 1929/1932
5 Girls intra-mural speed ball and basketball teams at Flamingo Park, 1931 1931
6 Miami League baseball players 1932
7 Speed ball and basketball games at Flamingo Park, 1930 and 1933 1930/1933
8 Tennis courts and players at Flamingo Park, 1931-1933 1931/1932
9 Women's volleyball teams playing at Flamingo Park, 1930-1932 1932