No. Title Date
921 Parking lot 1950/1959
922 Partially empty parking lot 1950/1959
923 K. Zaret Construction Corp. 1950/1959
924 Belmar Hotel 1950/1959
925 Door to cocktail lounge 1950/1959
926 Man standing next to gate 1950/1959
927 Entrance to cocktail lounge 1950/1959
928 Piano in room 1950/1959
929 Reflection of man on window 1950/1959
930 Lynn Allison styling next to an umbrella 1950/1959
931 Dominique Doherty holding a palm tree with an umbrella in view 1950/1959
932 Dominique Doherty jumping with an umbrella 1950/1959
933 Dominique Doherty grabbing a palm tree by the trunk 1950/1959
934 Dominique Doherty playing around with an umbrella 1950/1959
935 Dominique Doherty posing with an umbrella 1950/1959
936 Dominique Doherty laying down next to an umbrella 1950/1959
937 Helen Grossman holding a palm tree's leaf 1950/1959
938 Pat Thomas holding a beach ball 1950/1959
939 Pat Thomas pushing an umbrella 1950/1959
940 Nikki O'Conner posing with a palm tree 1950/1959