[2011] Spatio-temporal patterns and nutrient status of macroalgae in a heavily managed region of Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA

Spatio-temporal patterns and nutrient status of macroalgae in a heavily managed region of Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA  

Publication Date:  2011
Creator:  Collado-Vides, Ligia
Mazzei, Viviana
Thyberg, Travis
Lirman, Diego
Publisher.Display:  Walter de Gruyter
Subjects.Display:  Algae -- Florida -- Biscayne Bay
Hydrology -- Florida -- Biscayne Bay
Aquatic plants -- Florida -- Biscayne Bay
Water quality -- Florida -- Biscayne Bay
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2011] Spatio-temporal patterns and nutrient status of macroalgae in a heavily managed region of Biscayne Bay, Florida, USA