Controls on ecosystems carbon dioxide exchange in short- and long-hydroperiod Florida Everglades freshwater marshes

Controls on ecosystems carbon dioxide exchange in short- and long-hydroperiod Florida Everglades freshwater marshes  

Publication Date:  2012
Creator:  Gaiser, Evelyn E.
Schedlbauer, Jessica L.
Munyon, Jay W.
Oberbauer, Steven F.
Starr, Gregory
Publisher.Display:  Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research
Subjects.Display:  Freshwater ecology -- Florida -- Everglades
Marshes -- Florida -- Everglades
Carbon dioxide -- Florida -- Everglades
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Controls on ecosystems carbon dioxide exchange in short- and long-hydroperiod Florida Everglades freshwater marshes
Survival and growth responses of eight Everglades tree species along an experimental hydrological gradient on two tree island types

Survival and growth responses of eight Everglades tree species along an experimental hydrological gradient on two tree island types  

Publication Date:  2010
Creator:  Price, RenĂ© M.
Sah, Jay P.
Ross, Michael S.
Stoffella, Susana L.
Sullivan, Pamela L.
Cline, Eric A.
Scinto, Leonard J.
Publisher.Display:  Wiley
Subjects.Display:  Everglades (Fla.)
Tree islands -- Ecology -- Florida -- Everglades
Plant-soil relationships -- Florida -- Everglades
Wetland restoration -- Florida -- Everglades
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Survival and growth responses of eight Everglades tree species along an experimental hydrological gradient on two tree island types
Tree island response to fire and flooding in the short-hydroperiod marl prairie grasslands of the Florida Everglades, USA

Tree island response to fire and flooding in the short-hydroperiod marl prairie grasslands of the Florida Everglades, USA  

Publication Date:  2013
Creator:  Ruiz, Pablo L.
Sah, Jay P.
Ross, Michael S.
Spitzig, Adam A.
Publisher.Display:  Fire Ecology
Subjects.Display:  Tree islands -- Ecology -- Florida -- Everglades
Fire -- Florida -- Everglades
Floods -- Florida -- Everglades
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Tree island response to fire and flooding in the short-hydroperiod marl prairie grasslands of the Florida Everglades, USA