No. Title Date
1 Antipredator behavior and cue recognition by multiple Everglades prey to a novel cichlid predator 2011
2 Applying stable isotopes to examine food-web structure: an overview of analytical tools 2012
3 Controls on ecosystems carbon dioxide exchange in short- and long-hydroperiod Florida Everglades freshwater marshes 2012
4 FCE I Project summary 2000
5 FCE II Project Summary 2007
6 FCE II proposal - 2007-2012 2007
7 FCE II Year Five Annual Report for NSF Award DBI-0620409 (2011) 2011-09
8 FCE II Year Four Annual Report for NSF Award DBI-0620409 (2010) 2010-09
9 FCE II Year One Annual Report for NSF Award DBI-0620409 (2007) 2007-10
10 FCE II Year Three Annual Report for NSF Award DBI-0620409 (2009) 2009-09
11 FCE II Year Two Annual Report for NSF Award DBI-0620409 (2008) 2008-09
12 Final Report for NSF Award #9910514 (2000-2006) 2007-08
13 Linking ecology and economics for ecosystem management 2006
14 Long-term effects of adding nutrients to an oligotrophic coastal environment 2011
15 Negative relationships between the nutrient and carbohydrate content of the seagrass Thalassia testudinum 2012
16 Slow isotope turnover rates and low discrimination values in the American alligator: implications for interpretation of ectotherm stable isotope data 2012