[2021-06-17] Oral History Interview with Jon Cohen

Oral History Interview with Jon Cohen  

Publication Date:  2021-06-17
Creator:  Luna Goldberg ( Interviewer )
Jon Cohen ( Narrator )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:33:11
Subjects.Display:  Family
COVID-19 Pandemic (2020-)
Social Justice
Mental Health
Jewish Holidays
George Floyd
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida
[2021-06-17] Oral History Interview with Jon Cohen
[2023-02-13] Oral History Interview with Susan Turis

Oral History Interview with Susan Turis  

Publication Date:  2023-02-13
Creator:  Turis, Susan ( Narrator )
Friedman, Ellen ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:31:52
Subjects.Display:  Jewish identity
Surfside, FL
Champlain Towers South Collapse, 2021
Community and Social Life - Surfside, Florida
Emotional Impact of Disasters
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida
[2023-02-13] Oral History Interview with Susan Turis
[2023-01-05] Oral History Interview with Steve Rosenthal

Oral History Interview with Steve Rosenthal  

Publication Date:  2023-01-05
Creator:  Friedman, Ellen ( Interviewer )
Rosenthal, Steve ( Narrator )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:40:54
Subjects.Display:  Jewish identity
Champlain Towers South Collapse
Surfside, FL
Emotional Impact of Disasters
Personal Narratives - Building Collapse
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida
[2023-01-05] Oral History Interview with Steve Rosenthal