Ashtray, Lloyd Sabaudo, 1920-1929 |
accession number: | | TD1994.52.3 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designer unknown
Format: | |
Glazed earthenware. 1 x 4 inches (2.5 x 10.2 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Ashtray, Lloyd Sabaudo, 1920-1929 |
Ashtray, Rex, c. 1932 |
accession number: | | 1996.4.1 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designer unknown Distributed by Luigi Radif Made by Richard Ginori, Milan, Italy
Format: | |
Glazed porcelain. 5 x 3-7/8 x 5/8 inches (12.7 x 9.8 x 1.6 centimeters)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Nancy Palmer Wardropper
Ashtray, Rex, c. 1932 |
Bottle, approximately 1920 |
accession number: | | 84.7.63 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designer unknown Made by Colonnata, Sulmona, Italy
Format: | |
Glazed ceramic. 13-3/8 x 4-1/4 inches (46.1 x 88.9 x 3.8 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Bottle, approximately 1920 |
Box, 1932 |
accession number: | | 85.7.280 a,b |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Gigi Chessa (Italian, 1898-1935) Made by Lenci, Turin, Italy
Format: | |
Glazed porcelain. 7 x 5-3/8 x 5-1/4 inches (17.8 x 13.7 x 13.3 centimeters)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Box, 1932 |
Burner, c. 1945 |
accession number: | | XX1990.1473_a_b |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Paolo De Poli, (Italian, 1905-1984)
Format: | |
Enameled copper. 9 x 8 inches (22.9 x 20.3 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Burner, c. 1945 |
Container, c.1935 |
accession number: | | 84.7.56 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designer unknown Made by Richard-Ginori, Milan, Italy
Format: | |
Glazed ceramic. 7-7/8 x 7-7/8 inches (20.0 x 20.0 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Container, c.1935 |
Figurine, Accordionist, c. 1920-1925 |
accession number: | | XX1990.1472 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Melkiorre Melis (Italian, 1889-1982) Made by S. C. I. C., Cagliari (Sardinia), Italy
Format: | |
Glazed ceramic. 5-7/8 x 5-1/4 (14.9 x 13.3 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Figurine, Accordionist, c. 1920-1925 |
![Jug, La Conversazione Classica [Classical Conversation], c. 1927](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/38/00001/FWIT705238_thm.jpg) |
Jug, La Conversazione Classica [Classical Conversation], c. 1927 |
accession number: | | 84.7.52 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Made by Richard-Ginori, Milan, Italy Designed by Gio (Giovanni) Ponti (Italian, 1891 - 1979)
Format: | |
Gilt porcelain. 7 x 5 inches (17.8 x 12.7 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Jug, La Conversazione Classica [Classical Conversation], c. 1927 |
![Painting, Il Fondatore Dell'Impero [The Founder of the Empire], 1936](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/31/00001/FWIT705231_thm.jpg) |
Painting, Il Fondatore Dell'Impero [The Founder of the Empire], 1936 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Gerardo Dottori (Italian, 1884-1977)
Format: | |
Oil on plywood. 50 5/8 x 43 1/8 x 2 1/4 inches (154.0 x 106.5 x 5.7 centimeters)
Subjects.Display: | |
Perugia, Italy
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Painting, Il Fondatore Dell'Impero [The Founder of the Empire], 1936 |
![Per arruolarsi nella Legione SS Italiana. Onore Fedeltà Coraggio [Enroll in the Italian SS Legion. Honor Fidelity Courage]](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/13/00001/FWIT705213_thm.jpg) |
Per arruolarsi nella Legione SS Italiana. Onore Fedeltà Coraggio [Enroll in the Italian SS Legion. Honor Fidelity Courage] |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Gino Boccasile (Italian, 1901-1952)
Format: | |
Offset color lithograph. 39-1/2 27-3/4 inches (100.3 x 70.5 centimeters)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Per arruolarsi nella Legione SS Italiana. Onore Fedeltà Coraggio [Enroll in the Italian SS Legion. Honor Fidelity Courage] |
![Plate, Il Capo Pompiere [The Chief Fireman], 1931](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/43/00001/FWIT705243_thm.jpg) |
Plate, Il Capo Pompiere [The Chief Fireman], 1931 |
accession number: | | 85.7.247 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Alfredo Gaudenzi (Italian, 1908-1980) Casa Guiseppe Mazzotti, Albisola, Italy
Format: | |
Majolica, earthenware. 14-1/2 inches (36.2 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Plate, Il Capo Pompiere [The Chief Fireman], 1931 |
Plate, La Susanna di Munari, approximately 1929 |
accession number: | | 85.7.270 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Bruno Munari (Italian, b. 1907) Manufactured by Giuseppe Mazzotti, Albisola, Italy
Format: | |
Majolica, earthenware. 14-1/2 inches (36.1 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Plate, La Susanna di Munari, approximately 1929 |
Plate, Test plate for glaze samples, 1970 |
accession number: | | 85.7.75 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designer unknown Made by Richard-Ginori, Milan, Italy
Format: | |
Glazed ceramic. 9-1/4 inches (23.5 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Plate, Test plate for glaze samples, 1970 |
![Platter, San Giorgio Benito uccide il monstro delle sanzione [St. George Benito killing the monster of sanctions], 1935](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/51/98/00001/FWIT705198_thm.jpg) |
Platter, San Giorgio Benito uccide il monstro delle sanzione [St. George Benito killing the monster of sanctions], 1935 |
accession number: | | 85.7.241 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Golia (Eugene Colmo)(Italian, 1885-1967)
Format: | |
Glazed ceramic. 14 1/2 inches (36.8 centimeters), diameter
Subjects.Display: | |
Turin, Italy
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Platter, San Giorgio Benito uccide il monstro delle sanzione [St. George Benito killing the monster of sanctions], 1935 |
![Platter, Sciatrici [Skiers], c. 1930](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/42/00001/FWIT705242_thm.jpg) |
Platter, Sciatrici [Skiers], c. 1930 |
accession number: | | 85.7.242 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Alfredo Gaudenzi (Italian, 1908-1980) Made by Casa Giuseppe Mazzotti, Albisola, Italy
Format: | |
Majolica, earthenware. 16-1/8 inches (41.0 centimeters), diameter
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Platter, Sciatrici [Skiers], c. 1930 |
![Poster, 3 Ore Funivia Aquila Gran Sasso [3 Hour Cableway Aquila Gran Sasso], 1932](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/07/00001/FWIT705207_thm.jpg) |
Poster, 3 Ore Funivia Aquila Gran Sasso [3 Hour Cableway Aquila Gran Sasso], 1932 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Umberto Noni (dates and nationality unknown)
Publisher.Display: | |
Barabino And Graeve ( Genoa, Italy )
Format: | |
Offset color lithograph. 41-1/8 x 29-1/4 inches (104.5 x 74.3 centimeters)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Poster, 3 Ore Funivia Aquila Gran Sasso [3 Hour Cableway Aquila Gran Sasso], 1932 |
![Poster, Domenico Lambruschini Fabbrica di Piastrelle in Cemento [Domenico Lambruschini Manufacturers of Cement Tiles], date unknown](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/26/00001/FWIT705226_thm.jpg) |
Poster, Domenico Lambruschini Fabbrica di Piastrelle in Cemento [Domenico Lambruschini Manufacturers of Cement Tiles], date unknown |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Unknown, Designer Printed by Stab. Lit. E. Berardi & C., Milan, Italy
Format: | |
Offset color lithograph. 37-3/8 x 28-1/4 inches (94.9 x 71.8 centimeters)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Poster, Domenico Lambruschini Fabbrica di Piastrelle in Cemento [Domenico Lambruschini Manufacturers of Cement Tiles], date unknown |
![Poster, E tu..cosa fai? [And You..What Are You Doing?], 1943-1944](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/23/00001/FWIT705223_thm.jpg) |
Poster, E tu..cosa fai? [And You..What Are You Doing?], 1943-1944 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Giulio Bertoletti (Italian, 1919-1976)
Format: | |
Offset color lithograph. 32-1/2 24-1/4 inches (82.6 x 61.6 centimeters)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Poster, E tu..cosa fai? [And You..What Are You Doing?], 1943-1944 |
![Poster, Esperia Assicurzioni e Riassicurazioni Generali [Esperia General Insurance and Reinsurance], date unknown](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/10/00001/FWIT705210_thm.jpg) |
Poster, "Esperia" Assicurzioni e Riassicurazioni Generali ["Esperia" General Insurance and Reinsurance], date unknown |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by Severino Tremator (Italian, 1895-1940) Printed by Barabino And Graeve, Genoa, Italy
Publisher.Display: | |
ENIT (Ente Nazionale Italiano per il Turismo)
Format: | |
Offset color lithograph. 40-7/8 x 28-3/4 inches (103.8 x 73.0 centimeters)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Poster, "Esperia" Assicurzioni e Riassicurazioni Generali ["Esperia" General Insurance and Reinsurance], date unknown |
![Poster, Esposizione di Guerra. Trieste 1917 [War Exhibition. Trieste 1917], 1917](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FW/IT/70/52/54/00001/FWIT705254_thm.jpg) |
Poster, Esposizione di Guerra. Trieste 1917 [War Exhibition. Trieste 1917], 1917 |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Photo: Silvia Ros ( Contributor ) Designed by G. Petronio (dates and nationality unknown) Printed by Tipografia Moderna, M. Susmel e Co., Trieste, Italy
Format: | |
Offset color lithograph. 39-3/8 x 25-1/2 inches (100.0 x 64.8 centimeters)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Poster, Esposizione di Guerra. Trieste 1917 [War Exhibition. Trieste 1917], 1917 |