No. Title Date
1 Pancoast Hotel 1930/1939
2 Huge Globe of the Earth 1930/1939
3 Camp Royal 1930/1939
4 Faber's Park Apartment Hotel 1940/1949
5 Downtown Miami and Miami River 1940/1959
6 Causeway, Bay Island and Miami 1940/1959
7 D.C. 139 Training at Miami Beach 1940/1949
8 Collins Avenue looking north 1950/1959
9 Lake Pancoast 1950/1969
10 The Kenilworth Hotel 1950/1969
11 Luxurious Hotels along Collins Avenue 1950/1969
12 Fiesta of Five Flags 1960/1969
13 Azaleas in bloom 1960/1969
14 The "Flame Vine" - (Bignonia Venusta) Florida 1960/1969
15 Golden Conures 1970/1979
16 Greyhound Racing is a popular sport in Miami Florida 1970/1979
17 Crowned Pigeons (Goura Goura) 1970/1979
18 Flamingos and Macaws at Miami's Parrot Jungle 1970/1979
19 Crandon Park Beach 1970/1979
20 Hyacinthine Macaws 1970/1979