No. Title Date
1881 Miami Beach's 67th Birthday celebration 1980/1989
1882 Miami Beach birthday photo contact sheet 1980/1982
1883 City of Miami Beach Annual Service Pin Party 1980
1884 Hal Cohen and Miami Beach officials, 1981 1981
1885 City of Miami Beach employees and officials at Pin Party, 1980s 1980/1989
1886 Miami Beach City Commission, 1981-1982 1982
1887 Miss Miami Beach at the Regatta 50th Anniversary, 1965 1965
1888 Chief of Police Rocky Pomerance 1982
1889 Cops start investigation into their own history 1982
1890 Simon Wiesenthal Day 1982/1985
1891 Eddie Fisher celebrating Miami Beach's birthday 1982
1892 Miami Beach's 67th Birthday celebration 1982
1893 Peggy McKay and Mayor Norman Ciment 1982
1894 Miami Beach's 67th Birthday celebration 1982
1895 City of Miami Beach Birthday Party 1982
1896 City of Miami Beach's 67th Birthday party celebration 1982
1897 City of Miami Beach Annual Service Pin Party 1982
1898 City of Miami Beach Annual Service Pin Party 1983
1899 Special Awards & Retirees Luncheon 1983
1900 Miami Vice autographed cast photographs 1983/1989