No. Title Date
1081 Carl G. Fisher Tablet Unveiling corespondence 1940-07-13
1082 Aerial views of Miami Beach's Bay side and islands on Biscayne Bay, June 1941 1941
1083 Aerial view of man-made islands and causeways, 1941 1941
1084 Aerial views of Miami Beach between Government Cut and Normandy Isle, 1941 1941
1085 Aerial view of Miami Beach oceanfront buildings and bay side islands, 1941 1941
1086 The Church in Story and Pageant. 1941
1087 The Typhoon 1941 1941
1088 Aerial view of the Di Lido, Rivo Alto and Belle Islands 1941
1089 Aerial view of the Di Lido, Rivo Alto and Belle Islands 1941
1090 Aerial view of the north end of Di Lido, Rivo Alto and Belle Islands 1941
1091 Aerial view of Biscayne Bay north of the Venetian Islands 1941
1092 Aerial view of Fisher Island and Norris Cut 1941
1093 Aerial view of Fisher Island, Dodge and Sam Islands, and Norris Cut 1941
1094 Aerial view of Causeway Terminal Island, Dodge Island, Sam's Island and Norris Cut 1941
1095 Aerial view of Terminal Island, Dodge Island, Sam's Island and County Causeway 1941
1096 Aerial view of Causeway Terminal Island, south end of Star Island and County Causeway 1941
1097 View of County Causeway, Star Island, Palm Island and Hibiscus Island 1941
1098 View of Star Island, Palm Island and Hibiscus Island 1941
1099 View of the Flagler Memorial Island, Star Island, Palm Island and Hibiscus Island 1941
1100 View of the Flagler Memorial Island and the Venetian Islands 1941