No. Title Date
1 Project Brief: Capacity Building of Local/National WASH NGOs/CBOs in Africa (Cap-WASH)
2 Meeting the water and sanitation MDGs A Synthesis report on human resource capacity in NGOs and CBOs in three countries: Tanzania, Mozambique and Burkina Faso
3 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Governance Training Program
4 Programme de formation sur la gouvernance en Eau, Assainissement et Hygiène (WASH)
5 Drinking Water Safety Plan for Akhmeta Water Supply System (Republic of Georgia) 2011
6 Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan, Upper Alazani/ Ioni Pilot Watershed Area (Republic of Georgia) 2011
7 Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan, Upper Rioni Pilot Watershed Area (Republic of Georgia) 2011
8 Selection of Pilot Watersheds/Areas for the INRMW program (Republic of Georgia 2011
9 Selection of Target Communities in Pilot Watersheds (Ambrolauri, Oni, Telavi and Akhmeta Municipalities (Republic of Georgia) 2011
10 Assessment of Water Supply System, Akhmeta (Republic of Georgia) 2011
11 Assessment of Water Supply System, Telavi (Republic of Georgia) 2011
12 Assessment of Water Supply System, Ambrolauri (Republic of Georgia) 2011
13 Assessment of Water Supply System, Oni (Republic of Georgia) 2011
14 Assessment of Water Supply System, Dedoplistskaro (Republic of Georgia) 2011
15 Assessment of Water Supply System, Senaki (Republic of Georgia) 2011
16 Natural Resources Assessment in the Lower Rioni Pilot Watershed (Republic of Georgia) 2011
17 Community Empowerment and Planning Facilitation (Republic of Georgia) 2011
18 Meeting the Water and Sanitation Millenium Development Goals: A study of Human Resource Requirements in Mozambique Maputo, Mozambique 2012
19 Meeting The Water And Sanitation MDGs Final Report, Tanzania 2012
20 Capacity Situation Analysis and Capacity Development Needs Assessment for Integrated Water Resources Management Sub-sector in Rwanda 2012