[1960-11-01] Comitato Permanente Dei Congresi Internazionali Per L'Apostolato Dei Laici

Comitato Permanente Dei Congresi Internazionali Per L'Apostolato Dei Laici  

Publication Date:  1960-11-01
Creator:  Secretariado Del Copecial
Publisher.Display:  Comité Permanent des Congrès Internationaux pour l'Apostolat des Laïcs.
Format:  8 pages
Subjects.Display:  Action Catholique -- apostolat des laïcs -- structure, malaise -- enquête
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1960-11-01] Comitato Permanente Dei Congresi Internazionali Per L'Apostolato Dei Laici
[1968] Troisiéme Congrés Mondial pour l' Apostolat des Laics (Third World Congress for the Lay Apostolate)

Troisiéme Congrés Mondial pour l' Apostolat des Laics" (Third World Congress for the Lay Apostolate)  

Publication Date:  1968
Creator:  Secretariado Del Copecial
Format:  80 pages
Subjects.Display:  Third World Congress -- Delegations -- Lay Apostolate -- Financial Statement
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1968] Troisiéme Congrés Mondial pour l' Apostolat des Laics" (Third World Congress for the Lay Apostolate)
[1968-01-20] Carta Convocatoria / Letter to Cardeal Antonio Samore

Carta Convocatoria / Letter to Cardeal Antonio Samore  

Publication Date:  1968-01-20
Creator:  Cardeal A.G. Cicognani
Publisher.Display:  CELAM
Format:  1 page
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1968-01-20] Carta Convocatoria / Letter to Cardeal Antonio Samore
[1968-07-18] Letter to Reverendo Pastor Luis P. Bucafusco From Antonio Card. Samore

Letter to Reverendo Pastor Luis P. Bucafusco From Antonio Card. Samore  

Publication Date:  1968-07-18
Creator:  Antonio Card. Samore
Format:  1 page
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1968-07-18] Letter to Reverendo Pastor Luis P. Bucafusco From Antonio Card. Samore
[1968-07-18] Letter to Monsieur le Pasteur Andre Appel From Antonio Card. Samore

Letter to Monsieur le Pasteur Andre Appel From Antonio Card. Samore  

Publication Date:  1968-07-18
Creator:  Antonio Card. Samore
Format:  1 page
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1968-07-18] Letter to Monsieur le Pasteur Andre Appel From Antonio Card. Samore