Letter to Monsenor Sante U. Barbieri From Antonio Card. Samore

Letter to Monsenor Sante U. Barbieri From Antonio Card. Samore  

Publication Date:  1968-07-18
Creator:  Antonio Card. Samore
Format:  1 page
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Letter to Monsenor Sante U. Barbieri From Antonio Card. Samore
Letter to Monsieur le Pasteur Andre Appel From Antonio Card. Samore

Letter to Monsieur le Pasteur Andre Appel From Antonio Card. Samore  

Publication Date:  1968-07-18
Creator:  Antonio Card. Samore
Format:  1 page
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Letter to Monsieur le Pasteur Andre Appel From Antonio Card. Samore
Letter to Reverendo Pastor Luis P. Bucafusco From Antonio Card. Samore

Letter to Reverendo Pastor Luis P. Bucafusco From Antonio Card. Samore  

Publication Date:  1968-07-18
Creator:  Antonio Card. Samore
Format:  1 page
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Letter to Reverendo Pastor Luis P. Bucafusco From Antonio Card. Samore