No. Title Date
121 Celebracion Eucaristica 1905-05-28
122 Centre De Documentation Et D'Information Intermericain 1956
123 Centre International Democrate-Chretien D'Etudes Et de Documentation
124 Le Changement Social en Amerique Latine Approx. Early 1960s
125 La Chiesa Latinoamericana Dal Concilio Vaticano II Dieci Anni Che Fanno Storia 1976
126 Christian Democracy - force for a better world 1905-05-09
127 Christian Democratic World 1956-11-01
128 Christian Ethics and Global Economics 1978-11-13
129 A Christian Response to the Poor 1989-04-01
130 Christianisme et Revolution a Cuba Theologie Juive de la Liberation Prophetisme des Eveques USA? 1987-12-01
131 Le Christianisme nest pas une grandeur historique, oeste lhistoire qui este une grandeur chretienne 1966
132 Christology and Base Christian Communities in Liberation Theology 1905-06-09
133 Chronologie D'Evenements Concernant La Joci En Amerique 1998
134 Church and Culture, A Fresh Dialogue 1984
135 The Church, Concientization and Protest? 1905-06-07
136 The Church in Worldly Affairs: Tensions Between Laity and Clergy 1986-10-18
137 Cidala Forum Documento Numero 4 1973-07-01
138 Ciencias Naturales
139 Circular F/10/66 12/15/1965
140 Circular F/8/66 10/26/1966