[Orginal sketch of the historic San Domingo Redoubt of the Cubo defensive line near the corner present-day Orange Street and Cordova Street]

[Orginal sketch of the historic San Domingo Redoubt of the Cubo defensive line near the corner present-day Orange Street and Cordova Street]  

Creator:  Bill Eichholz
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[Orginal sketch of the historic San Domingo Redoubt of the Cubo defensive line near the corner present-day Orange Street and Cordova Street]
[Rendering of a reconstruction of the San Domingo Redoubt on the Cubo defensive line, at the corner of present-day Orange Street and Cordova Street, looking Southeast, 1996]

[Rendering of a reconstruction of the San Domingo Redoubt on the Cubo defensive line, at the corner of present-day Orange Street and Cordova Street, looking Southeast, 1996]  

Creator:  Hall
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[Rendering of a reconstruction of the San Domingo Redoubt on the Cubo defensive line, at the corner of present-day Orange Street and Cordova Street, looking Southeast, 1996]
City Gate and a view down St. George Street, looking South, ca. 1864<br />( 26 volumes )
City Gate and a view down St. George Street, looking South, ca. 1864  

Publication Date:  1971
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
City Gate and a view down St. George Street, looking South, ca. 1864
( 26 volumes )
Presidio de San Agustín

Presidio de San Agustín  

Source Institution:  University of Florida
Presidio de San Agustín