[1989-05-01] Oral History Interview with Norton Samuel Pallot

Oral History Interview with Norton Samuel Pallot  

Publication Date:  1989-05-01
Creator:  Norton Pallot ( Narrator, Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:29:46
Subjects.Display:  Hurricane
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1989-05-01] Oral History Interview with Norton Samuel Pallot
[1989-08-15] Oral History Interview with William Lehman

Oral History Interview with William Lehman  

Publication Date:  1989-08-15
Creator:  William Lehman ( Narrator )
Murray Greenberg ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:48:19
Subjects.Display:  Family
Project Mosaic Oral History
Race Relations
US Congressman
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1989-08-15] Oral History Interview with William Lehman
[1989-10-21] Oral History Interview with Mack Roth

Oral History Interview with Mack Roth  

Publication Date:  1989-10-21
Creator:  Marcia Zerivitz ( Interviewer )
Mack Roth ( Narrator )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:29:46
Subjects.Display:  Family
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1989-10-21] Oral History Interview with Mack Roth
[1990-03-14] Oral History Interview with Celia Sedovnick

Oral History Interview with Celia Sedovnick  

Publication Date:  1990-03-14
Creator:  Celia Sedovnick ( Narrator )
Norma Saltz ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:32:06
Subjects.Display:  Family
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1990-03-14] Oral History Interview with Celia Sedovnick
[1990-03-22] Oral History Interview with Jo Ann Sawitz Bass

Oral History Interview with Jo Ann Sawitz Bass  

Publication Date:  1990-03-22
Creator:  Marcia Zerivitz ( Narrator )
Jo Ann Sawitt Bass ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  1:15:06
Subjects.Display:  Miami Beach
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1990-03-22] Oral History Interview with Jo Ann Sawitz Bass
[1990-04-27] Oral History Interview with Leonard Arnowitz

Oral History Interview with Leonard Arnowitz  

Publication Date:  1990-04-27
Creator:  Marcia Zerivitz ( Interviewer )
Leonard Arnowitz ( Narrator )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  1:59:58
Subjects.Display:  Family
Project Mosaic Oral History
Space Industry
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1990-04-27] Oral History Interview with Leonard Arnowitz
[1990-06-04] Oral History Interview with Jon Sablow Rosenberg

Oral History Interview with Jon Sablow Rosenberg  

Publication Date:  1990-06-04
Creator:  Marcia Zerivitz ( Interviewer )
Jon Sablow Rosenberg ( Narrator )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:46:38
Subjects.Display:  religion
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1990-06-04] Oral History Interview with Jon Sablow Rosenberg
[1990-06-15] Oral History Interview with  Roland Kohen

Oral History Interview with Roland Kohen  

Publication Date:  1990-06-15
Creator:  Elinor Castman ( Interviewer )
Roland Kohen ( Narrator )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:52:24
Subjects.Display:  Miami Beach
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1990-06-15] Oral History Interview with Roland Kohen
[1996-12-20] Oral History Interview with Ruth Light

Oral History Interview with Ruth Light  

Publication Date:  1996-12-20
Creator:  Ruth Light ( Narrator )
Marilyn Potash ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:45:46
Subjects.Display:  New York
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1996-12-20] Oral History Interview with Ruth Light
[1997-02-15] Oral History Interview with Howard Schwartz

Oral History Interview with Howard Schwartz  

Publication Date:  1997-02-15
Creator:  Howard Schwartz ( Narrator )
Edward Pastroff ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:37:10
Subjects.Display:  Family
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1997-02-15] Oral History Interview with Howard Schwartz
[1998-05-18] Oral History Interview with Morris B. Morris

Oral History Interview with Morris B. Morris  

Publication Date:  1998-05-18
Creator:  Morris B. Morris ( Narrator )
Elinor Catsman ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  1:04:40
Subjects.Display:  Miami Beach
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1998-05-18] Oral History Interview with Morris B. Morris
[1999-10-13] Oral History Interview with Arnold Rubin

Oral History Interview with Arnold Rubin  

Publication Date:  1999-10-13
Creator:  Arnold Rubin ( Narrator )
Elinor Castman ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:58:39
Subjects.Display:  Israel
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[1999-10-13] Oral History Interview with Arnold Rubin
[2000-08-04] Oral History Interview with Sophie Schatzman

Oral History Interview with Sophie Schatzman  

Publication Date:  2000-08-04
Creator:  Sophie Schatzman ( Narrator )
David Silver ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:25:11
Subjects.Display:  Family
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[2000-08-04] Oral History Interview with Sophie Schatzman
[2002-04-25] Oral History Interview with Agnes Stern

Oral History Interview with Agnes Stern  

Publication Date:  2002-04-25
Creator:  Agnes Stern ( Narrator )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  1:29:19
Subjects.Display:  Miami
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[2002-04-25] Oral History Interview with Agnes Stern
[2006-07-18] Oral History Interview with Alberto and Manny Lusky

Oral History Interview with Alberto and Manny Lusky  

Publication Date:  2006-07-18
Creator:  Marta Olchick ( Interviewer )
Alberto Lusky ( Narrator )
Manny Lusky ( Narrator )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:38:30
Subjects.Display:  Cuba
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida FIU
[2006-07-18] Oral History Interview with Alberto and Manny Lusky
[2022-08-29] Oral History Interview with Natalie Below Lyons

Oral History Interview with Natalie Below Lyons  

Publication Date:  2022-08-29
Creator:  Natalie Beller Lyons ( Interviewee )
Honey Robins ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:21:41
Subjects.Display:  World War II
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida
[2022-08-29] Oral History Interview with Natalie Below Lyons

Oral History Interview with Alice & Sam Lewinson  

Publication Date:  2022-08-29
Creator:  Alice Lewinson ( Interviewee )
Sam Lewinson ( Interviewee )
Belle Marcus ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:42:26
Subjects.Display:  Miami
Project Mosaic Oral History
Civil Rights Movement
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida
[2022-08-29] Oral History Interview with Alice & Sam Lewinson

Oral History Interview with Norman Harold Lipoff  

Publication Date:  2022-08-29
Creator:  Norman Harold Lipoff ( Interviewee )
Marcia Zerivitz ( Interviewer )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:34:59
Subjects.Display:  Israel
Project Mosaic Oral History
Johnson Immigration Act
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida
[2022-08-29] Oral History Interview with Norman Harold Lipoff

Oral History Interview with Lou Ann Palmer  

Publication Date:  2022-08-29
Creator:  Ruth Rolfe ( Interviewer )
Lou Ann Palmer ( Interviewee )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  1:19:52
Subjects.Display:  religion
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida
[2022-08-29] Oral History Interview with Lou Ann Palmer

Oral History Interview with Jon Sablow Rosenberg  

Publication Date:  2022-08-29
Creator:  Marcia Zerivitz ( Interviewer )
Jon Sablow Rosenberg ( Interviewee )
Publisher.Display:  Jewish Museum of Florida
Format:  0:46:49
Subjects.Display:  religion
Project Mosaic Oral History
Source Institution:  Jewish Museum of Florida
[2022-08-29] Oral History Interview with Jon Sablow Rosenberg