Refining reserve flow recommendations for the Mara River, Kenya and Tanzania

Refining reserve flow recommendations for the Mara River, Kenya and Tanzania  

Creator:  Global Water for Sustainability
Publisher.Display:  Global Water for Sustainability Program
Format:  Report
Subjects.Display:  Water quality
Water resources
Water flow
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Refining reserve flow recommendations for the Mara River, Kenya and Tanzania
[1960] Āfrikā tathā kōngōmā̃ kōmī birādarōnā vasāhatanā itihāsanī rūparēkhā tathā vyavasāya nirdēśikā (Khoja Trade Directory)

Āfrikā tathā kōngōmā̃ kōmī birādarōnā vasāhatanā itihāsanī rūparēkhā tathā vyavasāya nirdēśikā (Khoja Trade Directory)  

Publication Date:  1960
Creator:  Dhī suprīm kāunsīl ōph dhī phēdarēśan ōph khōjā śīā isnāaśarī jamāts ōph āfrikā
Subjects.Display:  Tanzania
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1960] Āfrikā tathā kōngōmā̃ kōmī birādarōnā vasāhatanā itihāsanī rūparēkhā tathā vyavasāya nirdēśikā (Khoja Trade Directory)
[1974] Tiger's Tale: Vol. 1, No. 2 Winter 73/74

Tiger's Tale: Vol. 1, No. 2 Winter 73/74  

Publication Date:  1974
Creator:  Zoological Society of Florida
Format:  1 newsletter, 15 pages, 22.5 x 15 cm
Subjects.Display:  Tanzania
Zoological Society of Florida
Crandon Park Zoo, Key Biscayne, FL
Hubell, Gordon
Himalaya Mountains Region
Source Institution:  Government Resources and Information Department, Florida International University
[1974] Tiger's Tale: Vol. 1, No. 2 Winter 73/74
[1989] The Bongo Beat: Vol. 13, No. 4 May 1989

The Bongo Beat: Vol. 13, No. 4 May 1989  

Publication Date:  1989
Creator:  Zoological Society of Florida
Publisher.Display:  Volunteers of the Z.S.F.
Format:  1 newsletter, 12 pages, 28 x 21 1/2 cm
Subjects.Display:  Zoos
Zoological Society of Florida
Miami Metrozoo
Voyages and travels
Kenya -- Nairobi
Source Institution:  Government Resources and Information Department, Florida International University
[1989] The Bongo Beat: Vol. 13, No. 4 May 1989
[2006] Disaster risk reduction and the International Federation

Disaster risk reduction and the International Federation  

Publication Date:  2006
Creator:  Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Publisher.Display:  International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) ( Geneva, Switzerland )
Subjects.Display:  Disaster response and recovery
Risk management
Climate change
Risk assessment
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2006] Disaster risk reduction and the International Federation
[2006-09-01] Evaluating land use change effects on river flow using usgs geospatial stream flow model in Mara River basin, Kenya

Evaluating land use change effects on river flow using usgs geospatial stream flow model in Mara River basin, Kenya  

Publication Date:  2006-09-01
Creator:  Mati, Bancy M.
Mutie, Simon
Home, Patrick
Gadain, Hussein
Gathenya, John
Publisher.Display:  Center for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces
Format:  Article
Subjects.Display:  Land use
Water flow
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2006-09-01] Evaluating land use change effects on river flow using usgs geospatial stream flow model in Mara River basin, Kenya
[2007-10] Water Quality Assessment Report, Mara River Basin, Kenya/Tanzania, 2007

Water Quality Assessment Report, Mara River Basin, Kenya/Tanzania, 2007  

Publication Date:  2007-10
Creator:  Global Water for Sustainability Program (Florida International University)
Publisher.Display:  Florida International University
Format:  61 pages
Subjects.Display:  Water quality
Mara River (Kenya and Tanzania)
Mara River Watershed (Kenya and Tanzania)
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2007-10] Water Quality Assessment Report, Mara River Basin, Kenya/Tanzania, 2007
[2007] Baseline Survey of Fisheries Resources in the Mara Swamp and Musoma Bay, 2007

Baseline Survey of Fisheries Resources in the Mara Swamp and Musoma Bay, 2007  

Publication Date:  2007
Creator:  Global Water for Sustainability Program (Florida International University)
Publisher.Display:  Florida International University
Format:  25 pages
Subjects.Display:  Fisheries
Mara River (Kenya and Tanzania)
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2007] Baseline Survey of Fisheries Resources in the Mara Swamp and Musoma Bay, 2007
[2008] Preparing for disaster saves lives

Preparing for disaster saves lives  

Publication Date:  2008
Creator:  Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
European Commisssion Humanitarian Aid (ECHO)
Publisher.Display:  European Commisssion Humanitarian Aid (ECHO)
Subjects.Display:  Risk management
Emergency management
Emergency housing
Humanitarian aid
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2008] Preparing for disaster saves lives
[2008] Linking disaster risk reduction and poverty reduction

Linking disaster risk reduction and poverty reduction  

Publication Date:  2008
Creator:  Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Publisher.Display:  United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR) ( Geneva, Switzerland )
Subjects.Display:  Sustainable development
Risk management
Environmental management
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2008] Linking disaster risk reduction and poverty reduction

Impacts of land-use/cover changes on the hydrology of the transboundary Mara River, Kenya/Tanzania  

Publication Date:  2008-06-01
Creator:  Mati, Bancy M.
Mutie, Simon
Mtalo, Felix
Gadain, Hussein
Publisher.Display:  John Wiley and Sons
Format:  Article
Subjects.Display:  Hydrology
Land use
Lake Victoria
Mara basin
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2008-06-01] Impacts of land-use/cover changes on the hydrology of the transboundary Mara River, Kenya/Tanzania
[2009] The economics of climate change in Kenya

The economics of climate change in Kenya  

Publication Date:  2009
Creator:  Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Publisher.Display:  Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)
Subjects.Display:  Climate change -- Kenya
Risk management -- Kenya
Economic development -- Kenya
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2009] The economics of climate change in Kenya
[2009] Viability of a Water Credit Initiative, Mara River Basin, Kenya-Tanzania, 2009

Viability of a Water Credit Initiative, Mara River Basin, Kenya-Tanzania, 2009  

Publication Date:  2009
Creator:  Global Water for Sustainability Program (Florida International University)
Publisher.Display:  Florida International University
Format:  110 pages
Subjects.Display:  Water quality
Source Institution:  Added automatically
[2009] Viability of a Water Credit Initiative, Mara River Basin, Kenya-Tanzania, 2009
[2009-04-01] Assessment of potential buyers in a payment for ecosystem services scheme in the Mara River basin, Kenya and Tanzania

Assessment of potential buyers in a payment for ecosystem services scheme in the Mara River basin, Kenya and Tanzania  

Publication Date:  2009-04-01
Creator:  Méndez Castillo, Sofía
Publisher.Display:  UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
Format:  Thesis/dissertation
Subjects.Display:  Water management
Ecosystem services
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2009-04-01] Assessment of potential buyers in a payment for ecosystem services scheme in the Mara River basin, Kenya and Tanzania
[2010-02] Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Management of the Mara River Basin

Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Management of the Mara River Basin  

Publication Date:  2010-02
Creator:  Lake Victoria Basin Commission of the East African Community (EAC) and WWF Eastern & Southern Africa Regional Programme Office (WWF-ESARPO).
Publisher.Display:  Lake Victoria Basin Commission of the East African Community (EAC) ( Nairobi, Kenya )
Format:  Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Management of the Mara River Basin
Subjects.Display:  Biodiversity
Mara River (Kenya and Tanzania)
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2010-02] Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Management of the Mara River Basin
[2010-02] Assessing Reserve Flows for the Mara River. Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya.

Assessing Reserve Flows for the Mara River. Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya.  

Publication Date:  2010-02
Creator:  Lake Victoria Basin Commission of the East African Community and WWF East- ern & Southern Africa Regional Programme Office (WWF-ESARPO).
Publisher.Display:  Lake Victoria Basin Commission of the East African Community ( Nairobi, Kenya )
Format:  Assessing Reserve Flows for the Mara River. Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya.
Subjects.Display:  Kenya
Environmental Flows
Mara River (Kenya and Tanzania)
Groundwater flow--Environmental aspects
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2010-02] Assessing Reserve Flows for the Mara River. Nairobi and Kisumu, Kenya.
[2010-04-01] Land use influence on the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of streams in nyangores and amala tributaries of Mara River, Kenya.

Land use influence on the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of streams in nyangores and amala tributaries of Mara River, Kenya.  

Publication Date:  2010-04-01
Creator:  Minaya Maldonado, Veronica G.
Publisher.Display:  UNESCO-IHE Institute for Water Education
Format:  Thesis/dissertation
Subjects.Display:  Land use
Population (human)
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2010-04-01] Land use influence on the benthic macroinvertebrate communities of streams in nyangores and amala tributaries of Mara River, Kenya.
[2011] Disasters in Africa: the case for legal preparedness

Disasters in Africa: the case for legal preparedness  

Publication Date:  2011
Creator:  Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Publisher.Display:  International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) ( Geneva, Switzerland )
Subjects.Display:  Humanitarian assistance -- Africa
Disaster relief -- Legal aid -- Africa
Internally displaced persons -- Shelters for the homeless -- Africa
Natural hazards and disasters -- Hazard mitigation -- Africa
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2011] Disasters in Africa: the case for legal preparedness
[2012] Environmental flow recommendations
for reserve flows in the Mara River, Kenya and Tanzania

Environmental flow recommendations for reserve flows in the Mara River, Kenya and Tanzania  

Publication Date:  2012
Creator:  Anderson, Elizabeth P.
Publisher.Display:  Florida International University
Format:  Article
Subjects.Display:  Water quality
Water flow
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2012] Environmental flow recommendations for reserve flows in the Mara River, Kenya and Tanzania
[2012] Assessment of suspended sediment loadings and their impact on the environmental flows of upper transboundary Mara River, Kenya

Assessment of suspended sediment loadings and their impact on the environmental flows of upper transboundary Mara River, Kenya  

Publication Date:  2012
Creator:  Kiragu, Gibson Mwangi
Publisher.Display:  Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology
Format:  Thesis/dissertation
Subjects.Display:  Food security
Water flow
Water security
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[2012] Assessment of suspended sediment loadings and their impact on the environmental flows of upper transboundary Mara River, Kenya