[1950/1970] Adult and young white handed gibbon hanging on enclosure bars at Crandon Park Zoo

Adult and young white handed gibbon hanging on enclosure bars at Crandon Park Zoo  

Publication Date:  1950/1970
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 b&w photograph, 12.5 x 9 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Crandon Park Zoo
Zoos -- Exhibition
Hylobates lar
Source Institution:  Government Resource and Information Department, Florida International University
[1950/1970] Adult and young white handed gibbon hanging on enclosure bars at Crandon Park Zoo
[1970/1990] Two black gibbons playing on the hillside in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Two black gibbons playing on the hillside in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1970/1990
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color slide
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibition
Black gibbons
Source Institution:  Government Resource and Information Department, Florida International University
[1970/1990] Two black gibbons playing on the hillside in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo
[1970/1990] Two gibbons hanging on the bars of a cage at Miami Metrozoo

Two gibbons hanging on the bars of a cage at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1970/1990
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color slide
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibition
Source Institution:  Government Resource and Information Department, Florida International University
[1970/1990] Two gibbons hanging on the bars of a cage at Miami Metrozoo
[1970/1990] Black gibbon running down the roc wall in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Black gibbon running down the roc wall in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1970/1990
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color slide
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibition
Black gibbons
Source Institution:  Government Resource and Information Department, Florida International University
[1970/1990] Black gibbon running down the roc wall in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo
[1970/1990] White-handed gibbon seated on a rock outcropping at Miami Metrozoo

White-handed gibbon seated on a rock outcropping at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1970/1990
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color slide
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibition
Hylobates lar
White-handed gibbon
Source Institution:  Government Resource and Information Department, Florida International University
[1970/1990] White-handed gibbon seated on a rock outcropping at Miami Metrozoo
[1970] Tiger's Tale: December 1970

Tiger's Tale: December 1970  

Publication Date:  1970
Creator:  Zoological Society of Florida
Format:  1 newsletter, 8 pages, 21.5 x 17.7 cm
Subjects.Display:  Zoos
Zoological Society of Florida
Crandon Park Zoo, Key Biscayne, FL
Dinners and dining
Douc langur
Source Institution:  Government Resources and Information Department, Florida International University
[1970] Tiger's Tale: December 1970
[1980/2000] Gibbon, with light colorings,  hanging from tree in habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Gibbon, with light colorings, hanging from tree in habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Gibbon, with light colorings, hanging from tree in habitat at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Two gibbons perched on branches in habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Two gibbons perched on branches in habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 b&w photograph, 12.5 x 17.7
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Two gibbons perched on branches in habitat at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Two adult and one infant gibbon hang from branches at Miami Metrozoo

Two adult and one infant gibbon hang from branches at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 b&w photograph, 25.5 x 20 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Two adult and one infant gibbon hang from branches at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Two gibbons hanging closely at the Miami Metrozoo

Two gibbons hanging closely at the Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 b&w photograph, 25.5 x 20 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Two gibbons hanging closely at the Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Close up of an adult Gibbon at Miami Metrozoo

Close up of an adult Gibbon at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 b&w photograph, 25.5 x 20 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Close up of an adult Gibbon at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Adult Gibbon among the branches at Miami Metrozoo

Adult Gibbon among the branches at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Adult Gibbon among the branches at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Adult and infant gibbon resting on habitat structure branches at Miami Metrozoo

Adult and infant gibbon resting on habitat structure branches at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Adult and infant gibbon resting on habitat structure branches at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Adult cradling infant gibbon on habitat structure branches at Miami Metrozoo

Adult cradling infant gibbon on habitat structure branches at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Adult cradling infant gibbon on habitat structure branches at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Adult gibbon and an infant hanging from a structure at Miami Metrozoo

Adult gibbon and an infant hanging from a structure at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Adult gibbon and an infant hanging from a structure at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Adult gibbon hanging on a branch while an infant crawls behind it at the Miami Metrozoo

Adult gibbon hanging on a branch while an infant crawls behind it at the Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Adult gibbon hanging on a branch while an infant crawls behind it at the Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Infant gibbon leaning on an adult gibbon in the branches of habitat structure at Miami Metrozoo

Infant gibbon leaning on an adult gibbon in the branches of habitat structure at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Infant gibbon leaning on an adult gibbon in the branches of habitat structure at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Adult and infant gibbon grasping a branch seated on a structure in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Adult and infant gibbon grasping a branch seated on a structure in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Adult and infant gibbon grasping a branch seated on a structure in their habitat at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Adult seated next to infant gibbon and clinging to a branch on a structure at Miami Metrozoo

Adult seated next to infant gibbon and clinging to a branch on a structure at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Adult seated next to infant gibbon and clinging to a branch on a structure at Miami Metrozoo
[1980/2000] Adult gibbon seated on a rock at the base of a tree in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo

Adult gibbon seated on a rock at the base of a tree in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo  

Publication Date:  1980/2000
Creator:  Zoo Miami
Format:  1 color photograph, 15 x 10 cm
Subjects.Display:  Gibbons
Miami Metrozoo
Zoo animals
Zoo Miami
Zoos -- Exhibitions
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1980/2000] Adult gibbon seated on a rock at the base of a tree in its habitat at Miami Metrozoo