A man sitting at a table with microphones in front of a wall of maps

A man sitting at a table with microphones in front of a wall of maps  

Creator:  Diederich, Bernard
Format:  1 color slide
Subjects.Display:  Press conferences
Source Institution:  FIU Special Collections
Donor:  Diederich, Bernard
A man sitting at a table with microphones in front of a wall of maps
[1963-03-01] Seventh Annual Miami Beach Chautauqua Forums

Seventh Annual Miami Beach Chautauqua Forums  

Publication Date:  1963-03-01
Publisher.Display:  Miami Beach Recreation Department, ( Miami Beach, Fla. : )
University of Miami, ( Miami, Fla. : )
Subjects.Display:  Miami Beach (Fla.)
Local government.
Source Institution:  City of Miami Beach
[1963-03-01] Seventh Annual Miami Beach Chautauqua Forums