![[2011] The costs and benefits of reducing risk from natural hazards to residential structures in developing countries.](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/13/05/15/01/00001/FI13051501_coverthm.jpg) |
The costs and benefits of reducing risk from natural hazards to residential structures in developing countries. |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor ) Mechler, Reinhard Linnerooth-Bayer, Joanne Hochrainer-Stigler, Stefan Kunreuther, Howard Michel-Kerjan, Erwann Muir-Wood, Robert Ranger, Nicola Vaziri, Pantea Young, Michael
Publisher.Display: | |
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Subjects.Display: | |
Risk management Cost effectivenss
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[2011] The costs and benefits of reducing risk from natural hazards to residential structures in developing countries. |
![[2012] Catastrophe risk models for evaluating disaster risk reduction investments in developing countries](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/13/04/21/34/00001/FI13042134_thm.jpg) |
Catastrophe risk models for evaluating disaster risk reduction investments in developing countries |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor ) Erwann Michel-Kerjan Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler Howard Kunreuther Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer Reinhard Mechler Robert Muir-Wood Nicola Ranger Pantea Vaziri Michael Young
Publisher.Display: | |
The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Subjects.Display: | |
Natural hazards and disasters Risk management
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
[2012] Catastrophe risk models for evaluating disaster risk reduction investments in developing countries |