Vive la compagnie. Song and Chorus. Composed and Arranged for the Piano Forte.  Second Edition.

Vive la compagnie. Song and Chorus. Composed and Arranged for the Piano Forte. Second Edition.  

Publisher.Display:  Baltimore: Miller & Beacham
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Vive la compagnie. Song and Chorus. Composed and Arranged for the Piano Forte. Second Edition.
[1853] Cottage Hill Schottisch Composed & Dedicated to Miss R. Virginia Hiser

Cottage Hill Schottisch Composed & Dedicated to Miss R. Virginia Hiser  

Publication Date:  1853
Creator:  Deems, Jas. M.
Publisher.Display:  Miller & Beacham ( Baltimore )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1853] Cottage Hill Schottisch Composed & Dedicated to Miss R. Virginia Hiser
[1853] Cottage Hill Schottisch Composed & Dedicated to Miss R. Virginia Hiser

Cottage Hill Schottisch Composed & Dedicated to Miss R. Virginia Hiser  

Publication Date:  1853
Creator:  Deems, Jas. M.
Publisher.Display:  Miller & Beacham ( Baltimore )
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1853] Cottage Hill Schottisch Composed & Dedicated to Miss R. Virginia Hiser
[1853] The long, long weary day = Den lieben langen Tag : a Germany melody

The long, long weary day = Den lieben langen Tag : a Germany melody  

Publication Date:  1853
Publisher.Display:  Baltimore : Published by Miller & Beacham, successors to F.D. Benteen
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1853] The long, long weary day = Den lieben langen Tag : a Germany melody
[1854] Few Day Quick Step As Performed by the Independent Blues Band. Composed by Albert Holland. To Samuel T. Houston Esqr.

"Few Day" Quick Step As Performed by the Independent Blues Band. Composed by Albert Holland. To Samuel T. Houston Esqr.  

Publication Date:  1854
Creator:  Holland, Albert.
Publisher.Display:  Baltimore: Miller & Beacham
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1854] "Few Day" Quick Step As Performed by the Independent Blues Band. Composed by Albert Holland. To Samuel T. Houston Esqr.
[1857] The girls are all married, but me : ballad. Written & Composed by Belton.

The girls are all married, but me : ballad. Written & Composed by Belton.  

Publication Date:  1857
Creator:  Belton.
Publisher.Display:  Baltimore: Miller & Beacham
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1857] The girls are all married, but me : ballad. Written & Composed by Belton.