[Artist's rendering focusing on Block 28, showing the Wakeman House, Watson House, and Spanish Military Hospital]

[Artist's rendering focusing on Block 28, showing the Wakeman House, Watson House, and Spanish Military Hospital]  

Creator:  Thorn,Craig
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[Artist's rendering focusing on Block 28, showing the Wakeman House, Watson House, and Spanish Military Hospital]
[Artist's Rendering of Block 8, from the corner of Hypolita Street and Charlotte Street, focusing on the Regidor-Clark House]

[Artist's Rendering of Block 8, from the corner of Hypolita Street and Charlotte Street, focusing on the Regidor-Clark House]  

Creator:  Thorn,Craig
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[Artist's Rendering of Block 8, from the corner of Hypolita Street and Charlotte Street, focusing on the Regidor-Clark House]