Fair house of joy; song from Seven Elizabethan lyrics.

Fair house of joy; song from Seven Elizabethan lyrics.  

Publication Date:  1908
Creator:  Quilter, Roger
Publisher.Display:  Boosey & Co ( London )
Source Institution:  Added automatically
Fair house of joy; song from Seven Elizabethan lyrics.
Now sleeps the crimson petal : song : op. 3, no. 2

Now sleeps the crimson petal : song : op. 3, no. 2  

Publication Date:  1904
Creator:  Quilter, Roger
Publisher.Display:  Boosey & Co ( London )
Source Institution:  Added automatically
Now sleeps the crimson petal : song : op. 3, no. 2
To daisies : op. 8, no. 3

To daisies : op. 8, no. 3  

Publication Date:  1906
Creator:  Quilter, Roger ( Composer )
Publisher.Display:  Boosey & Co ( London )
Source Institution:  Added automatically
To daisies : op. 8, no. 3
Two Child Songs

Two Child Songs  

Publication Date:  1904
Creator:  Quilter, Roger
Publisher.Display:  Chappell & Co ( London )
Source Institution:  Added automatically
Two Child Songs