Constructional history of Fort Jefferson, 1846-1874

Constructional history of Fort Jefferson, 1846-1874  

Publication Date:  1961
Creator:  Manucy, Albert C.
United States. National Park Service. Region One.
Publisher.Display:  United States. National Park Service. Region One.
Format:  pdf
Subjects.Display:  Construction
Fort Jefferson (Fla.)
History -- Florida -- Fort Jefferson
Source Institution:  South Florida Collection, Government Documents, Green Library, Florida International University
Constructional history of Fort Jefferson, 1846-1874
West Side of Bay Street between Treasury Lane and Cuna Street<br />( 9 volumes )
West Side of Bay Street between Treasury Lane and Cuna Street  

Creator:  Manucy, Albert (?)
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
Donor:  Archival
West Side of Bay Street between Treasury Lane and Cuna Street
( 9 volumes )