Participatory hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessment: practice and theory

Participatory hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessment: practice and theory  

Publication Date:  2011-08
Creator:  Disaster Risk Reduction Program, Florida International University (DRR/FIU) ( summary contributor )
Ian, Davis ( editorial advisor )
Peiris De Costa, Kala ( editorial advisor )
Alam, Khurshid ( editorial advisor )
Ariyabandu, Madhavi Malalgoda ( editorial advisor )
Bhatt, Mihir R. ( editorial advisors )
Schneider - Sliwa, Dr. Rita ( editorial advisor )
Balsari, Dr. Satchit ( editorial advisor )
Publisher.Display:  All India Disaster Mitigation Institute ( Ahmedabad, India )
Subjects.Display:  Disaster response and recovery
Sustainable development
Humanitarian assistance
Disaster relief
People with disabilities
Concern (Organization : India)
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Participatory hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessment: practice and theory