[Artist rendering of possible reconstruction projects in Block 4 and Block 5, centered on the Perez Sanchez House reconstruction]; Corner of Charlotte Street and Treasury Street

[Artist rendering of possible reconstruction projects in Block 4 and Block 5, centered on the Perez Sanchez House reconstruction]; Corner of Charlotte Street and Treasury Street  

Creator:  Craig Thorn
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Subjects.Display:  Saint Augustine (Fla.)
Perez Sanchez (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Snow Property (Saint Augustine, Fla.)
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[Artist rendering of possible reconstruction projects in Block 4 and Block 5, centered on the Perez Sanchez House reconstruction]; Corner of Charlotte Street and Treasury Street
[Artist's rendering of possible restoration project for Block 18, Lot 5 and 6]

[Artist's rendering of possible restoration project for Block 18, Lot 5 and 6]  

Creator:  Craig Thorn
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[Artist's rendering of possible restoration project for Block 18, Lot 5 and 6]
[Artist's rendering showing possible reconstruction projects from the corner of St. George Street and Hypolita Street, looking Northeast, focusing on an interpertation of the Casa del Hidalgo]

[Artist's rendering showing possible reconstruction projects from the corner of St. George Street and Hypolita Street, looking Northeast, focusing on an interpertation of the Casa del Hidalgo]  

Creator:  Craig Thorn
Publisher.Display:  St. Augustine Restoration, Inc.
Source Institution:  University of Florida
[Artist's rendering showing possible reconstruction projects from the corner of St. George Street and Hypolita Street, looking Northeast, focusing on an interpertation of the Casa del Hidalgo]