![Whispers from Erin, phantasy, introducing the favorite Irish melodies, Oft in the stilly night & The young May moon,](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/47/13/00001/Rockstro Whispers from Erinthm.jpg) |
Whispers from Erin, phantasy, introducing the favorite Irish melodies, "Oft in the stilly night" & "The young May moon", |
Creator: | |
Rockstro, W.S.
Publisher.Display: | |
London: Ashdown & Parry, 18, Hanover Square
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Whispers from Erin, phantasy, introducing the favorite Irish melodies, "Oft in the stilly night" & "The young May moon", |