Alone in the Desert. Aria for Baritone as sung with great success by Mr. Wm. Hamilton. Music composed by Emanuel.

Alone in the Desert. Aria for Baritone as sung with great success by Mr. Wm. Hamilton. Music composed by Emanuel.  

Creator:  Emanuel, Louis.
Publisher.Display:  Boston: Oliver Ditson Company
Source Institution:  Florida International University
Alone in the Desert. Aria for Baritone as sung with great success by Mr. Wm. Hamilton. Music composed by Emanuel.
[1847] The syren & friar : duett : sung by Miss Julia L. Northall and Mr. Edward Sheppard and others

The syren & friar : duett : sung by Miss Julia L. Northall and Mr. Edward Sheppard and others  

Publication Date:  1847
Creator:  Emanuel, Louis.
Publisher.Display:  New York: Wm. A. Pond & Co., 547 Broadway.
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1847] The syren & friar : duett : sung by Miss Julia L. Northall and Mr. Edward Sheppard and others