[1994-09-08] Testing the iron hypothesis in ecosystems of the equatorial Pacific Ocean

Testing the iron hypothesis in ecosystems of the equatorial Pacific Ocean  

Publication Date:  1994-09-08
Creator:  J.H. Martin
K.H. Coale
K.S. Johnson
S.E. Fitzwater
R.M. Gordon
S.J. Tanner
C.N. Hunter
V.A. Elrod
J.L. Nowicki
T.L. Coley
R.T. Barber
S. Lindley
A.J. Watson
K. Van Scoy
C.S. Law
M.I. Liddicoat
T. Stanton
J. Stockel
C. Collins
A. Anderson
R. Bidigare
M. Ondrusek
M. Latasa
F. Millero
K. Lee
W. Yao
J. Z. Zhang
G. Friederich
C. Sakamoto
F. Chavez
K. Buck
Z. Kolber
R. Greene
P. Falkowski
S.W. Chisholm
F. Hoge
R. Swift
J. Yungel
S. Turner
P. Nightingale
A. Hatton
P. Liss
N.W. Tindale
Subjects.Display:  Climate change
Pacific Ocean
Source Institution:  Florida International University
[1994-09-08] Testing the iron hypothesis in ecosystems of the equatorial Pacific Ocean