Jay Dermer at city events, including Hugh Hefner receiving key |
Jay Dermer at city events, including Hugh Hefner receiving key |
Jean Pinder - beach modeling scene |
Jean Pinder - beach modeling scene ( 180 volumes ) |
John S. Collins Memorial of the Miami Beach Public Library and Art Centre |
John S. Collins Memorial of the Miami Beach Public Library and Art Centre |
Know your city government: Miami Beach Record |
Know your city government: Miami Beach Record |
Leaflets with rents, rates and planning from the Miami Beach Convention Center and Theater of the Performing Arts, 1979 |
Leaflets with rents, rates and planning from the Miami Beach Convention Center and Theater of the Performing Arts, 1979 |
Let's look at the facts on Lincoln Road, Miami Beach |
Let's look at the facts on Lincoln Road, Miami Beach |
The Life and Times of a Deco Dowager |
The Life and Times of a Deco Dowager |
Major project impact analysis & mitigation policy memorandum |
Major project impact analysis & mitigation policy memorandum |
Mayor Alex Daoud and City officials at different events, late 1980s |
Mayor Alex Daoud and City officials at different events, late 1980s |
Mayor Alex Daoud officiating at wedding ceremonies, 1987 |
Mayor Alex Daoud officiating at wedding ceremonies, 1987 |
Mayor Alex Daoud performing weddings at Miami Beach City Hall, 1984 |
Mayor Alex Daoud performing weddings at Miami Beach City Hall, 1984 |
Mayor Alex Daoud presenting awards, 1980s |
Mayor Alex Daoud presenting awards, 1980s |
Mayor Jay Dermer, "The Walking Mayor" |
Mayor Jay Dermer, "The Walking Mayor" |
Sun Reporter Florida's Picture Newspaper. |
Sun Reporter Florida's Picture Newspaper. |
MB 962 ( 5 volumes ) |
Media Clippings Featuring Miami Beach |
Media Clippings Featuring Miami Beach |
Miami Beach 65th Anniversary, 1980 |
Miami Beach 65th Anniversary, 1980 |
Miami Beach Activity Center renovations, 1983 |
Miami Beach Activity Center renovations, 1983 |
Miami Beach and its transformation |
Miami Beach and its transformation |
Miami Beach Atlantic Greenway Network master plan |
Miami Beach Atlantic Greenway Network master plan |