![[1979-03] Santiago](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/29/29/00001/SANTIAGO-REVISTE DE LA UNIVERSIDAD DE ORIENTE-MARZO1979-NO33-COVER PAGEthm.jpg) |
Santiago |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Universidad de Oriente
Format: | |
ill, 227 p.
Subjects.Display: | |
Cuba -- Periodicals. Cuba. History of Spanish Literature - Cuban Studies.
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[1979-03] Santiago |
![[01-22-1980] Donde se comenta la participacion cubana en dos eventos de musicologia](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/47/00001/DONDESECOMENTALAPARTICIPACIONCUBANAENDOSEVENTOSDEMUSICOLOGIAthm.jpg) |
Donde se comenta la participacion cubana en dos eventos de musicologia |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Fiallo, Jorge
Format: | |
newspaper article
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[01-22-1980] Donde se comenta la participacion cubana en dos eventos de musicologia |
![[12-31-1982] De Manzanillo a Guantanamo: Una vida dedicada al son](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/93/00001/DEMANZANILLOAGUANTANAMOUNAVIDADEDICADAALSONthm.jpg) |
De Manzanillo a Guantanamo: Una vida dedicada al son |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Rodriguez Derivet
Publisher.Display: | |
Periodico Juventud Rebelde
Format: | |
newspaper article; black and white
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[12-31-1982] De Manzanillo a Guantanamo: Una vida dedicada al son |
![[1983] Se graba antologia integral del son cubano](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/05/00001/SEGRABAANTOLOGIAINTEGRALDELSONCUBANOthm.jpg) |
Se graba antologia integral del son cubano |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Reyes M., Susana
Publisher.Display: | |
Periodico Sierra Maestra ( Santiago de Cuba )
Format: | |
1 article
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[1983] Se graba antologia integral del son cubano |
![[01-03-1984] La critica en el objetivo de la radio y la tv](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/80/00001/LACRITICAENELOBJETIVODELARADIOYLATVthm.jpg) |
La critica en el objetivo de la radio y la tv |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Cruz, Soledad
Publisher.Display: | |
Periodico Juventud Rebelde
Format: | |
newspaper article; black and white
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[01-03-1984] La critica en el objetivo de la radio y la tv |
![[08-11-1984] El canto uruguayo y NUMA MORAES](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/78/00001/ELCANTOURUGUAYOYNUMAMORALESthm.jpg) |
El canto uruguayo y NUMA MORAES |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Publisher.Display: | |
Periodico Sierra Maestra
Format: | |
newspaper article; black and white
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[08-11-1984] El canto uruguayo y NUMA MORAES |
![[05-19-1986] Temblor de trova en santiago](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/41/00001/TEMBLORDETROVAENSANTIAGOthm.jpg) |
Temblor de trova en santiago |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Fiallo, Jorge
Publisher.Display: | |
Periodico Granma
Format: | |
newspaper article
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[05-19-1986] Temblor de trova en santiago |
![[1987] Antologia Integral del Son](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/29/82/00001/ANTOLOGIAINTEGRALDELSON_FRONTthm.jpg) |
Antologia Integral del Son |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Familia Valera-Miranda
Publisher.Display: | |
Estudios de Grabaciones y Ediciones Musicales
Format: | |
1 sound disc : 33 rpm ; 11.75 in.
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[1987] Antologia Integral del Son |
![[1987] Antologia Integral del Son](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/29/83/00001/ANTOLOGIAINTEGRALDELSON_FRONTthm.jpg) |
Antologia Integral del Son |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Familia Valera-Miranda
Publisher.Display: | |
Estudios de Grabaciones y Ediciones Musicales
Format: | |
1 sound disc : 33 rpm ; 11.75 in.
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[1987] Antologia Integral del Son |
![[1987] Antologia Integral del Son](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/29/85/00001/ANTOLOGIAINTEGRALDELSON_FRONTthm.jpg) |
Antologia Integral del Son |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Familia Valera Miranda
Publisher.Display: | |
Estudios de Grabaciones y Ediciones Musicales
Format: | |
1 sound disc : 33 rpm ; 11.75 in.
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[1987] Antologia Integral del Son |
![[1987] Antologia Integral del Son](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/29/86/00001/ANTOLOGIAINTEGRALDELSON_FRONTthm.jpg) |
Antologia Integral del Son |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Familia Valera-Miranda
Publisher.Display: | |
Estudios de Grabaciones y Ediciones Musicales
Format: | |
1 sound disc : 33 rpm ; 11.75 in.
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[1987] Antologia Integral del Son |
![[07-17-1987] Elogian en la Universidad de Humboldt investigacion cubana sobre el son](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/44/00001/ELOGIANENLAUNIVERSIDADDEHUMBOLDT_INVESTIGACIONCUBANASOBREELSONthm.jpg) |
Elogian en la Universidad de Humboldt investigacion cubana sobre el son |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Publisher.Display: | |
Diario Granma
Format: | |
newspaper article
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[07-17-1987] Elogian en la Universidad de Humboldt investigacion cubana sobre el son |
![[12-22-1987] Obtiene musicologo cubano calificacion excepcional en la Universidad de Humboldt](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/43/00001/OBTIENEMUSICOLOGOCUBANOCALIFICACION_UNIVERSIDADDEHUMBOLDTthm.jpg) |
Obtiene musicologo cubano calificacion excepcional en la Universidad de Humboldt |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Vasquez, Omar
Publisher.Display: | |
Periodico Granma
Format: | |
2 newspaper articles
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[12-22-1987] Obtiene musicologo cubano calificacion excepcional en la Universidad de Humboldt |
![[1988] El son, algo mas que un genero bailable](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/40/00001/ELSON_ALGOMASQUEUNGENEROBAILABLEthm.jpg) |
El son, algo mas que un genero bailable |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Echavarria, Pedro Herrera
Publisher.Display: | |
Sierra Maestra
Format: | |
newspaper article
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[1988] El son, algo mas que un genero bailable |
![[1988] Sonoc: Sonoridad cubana](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/64/00001/SONORIDADCUBANA_FRONTCOVERthm.jpg) |
Sonoc: Sonoridad cubana |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Comas, Miguel ( Director )
Publisher.Display: | |
Format: | |
27 p. ;5 n. : ill. ; 29 cm.
Subjects.Display: | |
Cuba -- Periodicals Music -- Cuba -- Periodicals
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[1988] Sonoc: Sonoridad cubana |
![[1988] Muestra de Familias Centenarias Multitradicionales](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/29/77/00001/MUESTRA DE FAMILIAS CENTENARIAS MULTIRADICIONALES_COVER PAGEthm.jpg) |
Muestra de Familias Centenarias Multitradicionales |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Festival nacional del son
Publisher.Display: | |
Ministerio de Cultura
Format: | |
1 booklet: 25.5 cm
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[1988] Muestra de Familias Centenarias Multitradicionales |
![[03-23-1988] Fiesta para nuestro disco](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/45/00001/FIESTAPARANUESTRODISCOthm.jpg) |
Fiesta para nuestro disco |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Nodarse, Frank Padron
Publisher.Display: | |
Diario Granma
Format: | |
newspaper article
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[03-23-1988] Fiesta para nuestro disco |
![[04-1988] Ellos hicieron posible los premios Egrem para el sello Siboney de Santiago de Cuba](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/30/00001/ELLOSHICIERONPOSIBLELOSPREMIOSEGREM_PARAELSELLOSIBONEYDESANTIAGODECUBAthm.jpg) |
Ellos hicieron posible los premios Egrem para el sello Siboney de Santiago de Cuba |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Martinez, Marcos A.
Publisher.Display: | |
Sierra Maestra
Format: | |
newspaper article
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[04-1988] Ellos hicieron posible los premios Egrem para el sello Siboney de Santiago de Cuba |
![[07-04-1988] Matamoros y “Chepin”, encarnan el ritmo fascinante del Son](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/84/00001/MATAMOROSYCHEPINthm.jpg) |
Matamoros y “Chepin”, encarnan el ritmo fascinante del Son |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Lorient Guerrero, Oscar
Publisher.Display: | |
Periodico Sierra Maestra
Format: | |
newspaper article; black and white
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[07-04-1988] Matamoros y “Chepin”, encarnan el ritmo fascinante del Son |
![[08-10-1988] Ercili, mas alla del folclor](http://dpanther.fiu.edu/sobek/content/FI/SI/00/30/92/00001/ERCILIMASALLADELFORCLORthm.jpg) |
Ercili, mas alla del folclor |
Publication Date: | |
Creator: | |
Rivero Garcia, Jose
Format: | |
newspaper article; black and white
Subjects.Display: | |
Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.)
Source Institution: | |
Florida International University
Donor: | |
Danilo Orozco Family
[08-10-1988] Ercili, mas alla del folclor |