No. Title Date
1 Assembling for a parade, 1974 1974
2 Children on a fire engine, 1974 1974
3 E-mail from Vicki Cole to State Preservation Office 2003-03-03
4 Frank Sinatra
5 Impact of Fire Exclusion and Invasion of Schinus Terebinthifolius on Limestone Rockland Pine Forests 1981-10
6 Investigations of Early Plant Succession on Abadoned Farmlands in Everglades National Park 1981-10
7 Lantana Chamber of Commerce float, 1974 1974
8 Lantana Minor League All Stars, 1974 1974
9 Little league champs team parade float, 1974 1974
10 National Register of Historic Places, registration form, Venetian Causeway 1989
11 Tennis class at Lantana Jr. High, 1974 1974