No. Title Date
1 The Triay House
2 Construction of the Triay House, looking West
3 Construction of the Triay House, Detail
4 Triay House Description
5 A fanciful view of St. George Street with tourists and interpreters in period dress from in front of the Triay House, looking South
6 The Triay House from St. George Street, looking East
7 Courtyard entrance to the Gomez House with Triay House on the right
8 The grape arbor and rear yard behind the Triay House
9 The Triay House (left) and Gonzalez House (right) on St. George Street
10 Southeast Elevation
11 The grape arbor shared be the Florencia House (left) and the Triay House (right), looking West
12 Restoration Agency Authorizes Purchase of St. George Property
13 A School Group Being Given an Orientation Presentation (Exhibition Programs)
14 The north end of St. George Street (the building on the right is approximately where the Triay House currently stands) looking North, 1886 1886
15 The Bennet House prior to demolition from St. George Street, looking Southeast 1962
16 Archaeological excavations at the Bennet House, looking North 1962
17 Restoration Agency Authorizes Purchase of St. George Property 1964
18 Bennett House prior to demolition for the construction of the Triay House, from St. George Street 1964
19 Construction of the Triay House, cinder block and stucco 3/1/1965
20 Construction of the Triay House, looking West 3/1/1965