No. Title Date
1 Assesment of gender integration capacities among the USAID WA WASH program parters. Executive Summary 2013
2 At a crossroads ( external resource | internal citation ) 2010
3 Baseline information on water sources and uses in MUS intervention villages in Niger. Executive Summary
4 Baseline Study Report on Basic Hygiene Knowledge and Behavior in the Zinder Region of Niger
5 Best Options for Improving Livelihoods and Food Security in Zinder Region, Niger
6 Briefing Notes on USAID WA-WASH Accomplishments in Niger in Phase I August 2011 - December 2015 2016-02
7 Briefing Notes on USAID WA-WASH Indicators and Achievements in Phase I August 2011 - December 2015 2016-02
8 Climate change overview
9 Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis Training for USAID WA-WASH Partners and Stakeholders in Niger. Executive Summary 2012
10 Developing Partnerships in Practice (DPP) in Niger 2012
12 GDA Partnerships Situational Analysis and Partnerships Brokerage in Niger
13 Gender Policies Review in Relation to Wash in Burkina Faso, Ghana and Niger
14 Global Development Alliances and Partnerships Overview
15 Impact assesmnet of community-led total sanitation on water quality in the Korama river basin in the Zinder region, Niger. Executive Summary
16 Impact Assessment on the Use of Treadle Pumps and Irrigation Boreholes in Niger
17 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 01/2012 2012-10
18 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 02/2013 2013-01
19 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 03/2013 2013-04
20 Koom La Viim News, Vol. 04/2013 2013-09