No. Title Date
1 Skip Navigation Links.
2 Design Considerations - Initial Concept Sketch 1983
3 Design Considerations - Water Gardens 1983
4 Festival Plaza 1983
5 A Florida Peach in a Banana Grove, 1925 1925
6 Golf Course Laying sod 1950/1960
7 Jungles, Raymond Interview 2019-05-30
8 Landscape Conservation and Climate Change Scenarios for the State of Florida 2014-04-01
9 Landscaping - Directional Views 1983
10 Landscaping - Landscape Detailing - Finger Pier Area 1983
11 Landscaping street median on Shoreland Blvd. (NE 96 St.) near Grand Concourse 1926
12 Loaxahatchee Impoundment Landscape Assessment (LILA): Tree Island Experiments and Management; May 1, 2005 to September 4, 2009: Final Report 2009-08-17
13 Miami Beach street design guidelines 2016-04
14 Miami-Dade County park structure and landscape pattern book 2011-06
15 Openness 1983
16 Oral History Interview with Helena Gomez 2023-12-14
17 Palm House on Festival Plaza 1983
18 Transplanting a large tree 1917/1921
19 Transporting and transplanting mature trees 1917/1921
20 Urban and landscape design guidelines : Downtown Coral Springs 2002-06