No. Title Date
1 An Inventory of Plant Communities of the Turner River Area, Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida 1982-01
2 An Inventory of the Plant Communities in the Levee-28 Tieback Area, Big Cypress National Preserve 1982-05
3 An Inventory of the Plant Communities within the Deep Lake Strand Area, Big Cypress National Preserve 1982-06
4 Assessing the net effect of anthropogenic disturbance on aquatic communities in wetlands: community structure relative to distance from canals 2006
5 Book review: Lodge, T. 2010. The Everglades Handbook: Understanding the Ecosystem. 3rd edition. CRC Press 2011
6 Central Lauderhill Community Redevelopment Agency Report, January 26, 2006 2006-01-27
7 Clarice Cooper 2021-11-29
9 Community disaster resilience fund (CDRF) ( external resource | internal citation ) 2009-10
10 Contrasting patterns of individual specialization and trophic coupling in two marine apex predators 2010
11 Controls on sensible heat and latent energy fluxes from a short-hydroperiod Florida Everglades marsh 2011
12 Developing a Data-Driven Classification of South Florida Plant Communities 2010-04
13 Experimental nutrient enrichment causes complex changes in seagrass, microalgae, and macroalgae community structure in Florida Bay 2009
14 Landscape patterns of periphyton in the Florida Everglades 2011
15 Loretta Scipio Whittle 2021-11-29
16 The major plant communities of Lake Okeechobee, Florida, and their associated inundation characteristics as determined by gradient analysis by Gary Pesnell and Robert T. Brown III. 1977
17 Major Problems of Youth Organizations In The Americas 1963-04-10
18 Plant Communities of the Kissimmee River Valley 1980-09
19 Plant Communities of Water Conservation Area 3A : Base-Line Documentation Prior to the Operation of S-339 and S-340 1983-05
20 The potential impact of the proposed Dade County west wellfield on the vegetational communities of northeast Shark River Slough 1988